Monday, October 6, 2008

Oncology Appt. A Day Early

Vince called the dr. last night because one of the side effects is diarrhea and it can be very dangerous, if left untreated. The dr. told him to come into the office this morning, which is only one day early. He will do some blood work and examine him. Please pray for him today around 10:00 a.m. (Hmmmm....have you ever been in a position where you are searching every bathroom you have and every cubby hole to find that extra roll of toilet paper? That's me at 5:30 this morning..hahahaha!) So, needless to say, I am on my way to Ralph's to get some now...I knew I forgot something on my last Costco trip!

1 comment:

candice said...

Get that boy some wipies! LOL His hinney has get to be raw no matter how soft of TP you get. Trust me they can make all the difference. Just don't flush them no matter what the package says or instead of making a TP run you'll be calling the plummers.

In all reality I hope it stops soon. Its no fun!!!