Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy 22nd Birthday to Vince!!!

Today Vince turns 22 yrs. old! We love you and we are so proud of you Vince! I will update later on what we are doing for his birthday! Thank you all for all you continued prayers and support! Don't forget to order your bracelets at the right side of this page! God bless!


Vince Doud said...

happy birthday Vince! September babies are possibly the coolest babies around.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! I totally did look at this blog until today and had did the same thing (well kinda) for Tyler. I guess its one of those mother reflections. When I sat down and looked over the year I couldn't believe it. I double counted to make sure it really was 98 days in the hospital and I started making the list of what has happened in a year. These boys and (George) are going to be so amazing in their future. We are going to have to pack and visit! Oh and I wish I had of looked at yours before I put tyler's slide together. His was a "couldn't sleep" quick put together. I may have to do a round 2 video. I loved yours. I do have to tell you...Any pictures I took when tyler was really not feeling well or grumpy. I do be believe he deleted. We love you all and are praying!
Maria in Ga