Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Day Has Come! No More Chemo!

What a glorious day! Vince, Jim and I saw Dr. Tap, (the Oncologist) yesterday and Vince was not looking forward to it because he knew that Dr. Tap would want him to move forward with his last chemo. Vince has been wanting to quit for quite awhile, but he sucks it up every time and moves forward, fighting every step of the way, of course! Who wouldn't after such a long, draining battle! We left the office and Vince was not happy because he agreed to do it, even though in his heart he didn't want to. Dr. Tap is just doing his job. He is a wonderful, caring and compassionate doctor and we owe him so much! Thank you Dr. Tap! Here is a picture of Vince and Dr. Tap, who by the way looks as young as Vince!

The ride home we talked about all the options. Vince has decided on his own, that he WILL NOT be doing the last treatment. His decision is based on all the information that we have come across over this journey, it's not an easy decision to make. Basically, it's a "crap shoot" so to speak. We always ask the same questions, hoping to get clear answers, but that never happens. They just don't know. They don't have any concrete data which shows how many chemos are too little or too much. They don't know where the "magic number" is, if there is one, between 10 & 17 chemos. Each person is different, so how can everyone be treated the same? No one knows. Vince said he has PEACE about his decision. I love that, because so do we. 

All we can do is pray. All we can do is trust that Jesus has a plan. All we can do is live our life that HE gave to us and not waste it. All we can do is take the knowledge that we have and use it wisely. No one is guaranteed a tomorrow. Cancer is a deadly disease, but not knowing who Jesus is, is even more deadly. 

From this day forward, (sounds like a marriage vow..haha) I would hope that Vince's story of VICTORY will go out into the world and be used to glorify Jesus and that they too, would know that there is HOPE. Without HOPE we have nothing.

My heart and prayers go out to all of those who are currently fighting the battle and especially to those who have lost their loved ones from cancer. The heart wrenching feeling from watching a child suffer, watching a parent, husband, wife,  sister, brother, aunt or uncle or a friend suffer is a nightmare. Thank you to all those who have shared their VICTORY over cancer with us. You are such an inspiration for all of us! 

The plan is to have scans once every 3 mths for one year, then once every 4 mths the second year and then once every 6 mths after that. Only time will tell. Thank you for following Vince's journey for the last 16 mths! We have been blessed beyond measure by all the emails, cards, phone calls and texts that we have gotten and I am really going to miss them! Your prayers had power in them and gave us strength that we could feel in our midst. I will update the blog periodically so we can share what is going on in Vince's life. I'm sure it will be an interesting ride! LOL!

Prayer Requests, please click on links for updates:
Brian Ernst-URGENT
Tafi Harn


Do you need a personal Pentecost?
January 8, 2010
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
--Acts 1:8
Are you afraid to share your faith? Many Christians are fearful of opposition or that someone might laugh at them or mock them for sharing. Maybe you're afraid someone might reject you for believing in Jesus. But you don't have to be fearful!
Do you remember the gift that Jesus sent the disciples and first believers on the Day of Pentecost? He filled them with the Holy Spirit. And as today's verse says, he gave them power to be his witnesses.
But today, many Christians who have been to Calvary for pardon have yet to go to Pentecost for power. And you need the supernatural power of God in your life! You see, even though we only get saved once, there are many fillings. And we each need to be filled every day with the Spirit of Jesus Christ!
Ask Jesus for a personal Pentecost. Let the Spirit of God fill you with his presence and his power. And let him come into your life to rule, because the more you let him rule, the more of his power you will experience!
Come to Jesus today and say, "Lord, let the fire fall on me! Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me! Holy Spirit, breathe on me."


Anonymous said...

Woo HOO!!! I certainly hate we come to know each other under these circumstances...but I'm glad to know your family. We are setting history that no other name is bigger than Jesus and that our boys are healed.... and in 5 years Tyler, Vince, and George are going to have a big party!

Kathy said...

I am so thrilled for Vince! He must still be doing a major happy dance!
Time for the end of chemo party and as a side note...Vince's Onc is much better looking than my Onc... Did I say that???


Dave said...

Cannabis oil can cure cancer. Watch the documentary Run From the Cure on youtube

donnasarjeant said...

Dear Ronda--thanks so much for posting on our Caringbridge site, I decided to pop over and check out your blog. I am happy to hear about your son's completion of chemo. I never realized how wonderful 'virtual support' can be in our journey of healing. Thank you!....Donna Sarjeant (Donovan's Mom)