Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mom's Birthday

My birthday was on Wed. and it was a tough one to celebrate since my heart was so heavy, but joy comes in the morning and I am just grateful to have been able to share it with my family! Grandma Char and Uncle Michael (Jim's Brother) came to visit and brought Cupid's Hot Dogs and Cheesecake! YUM! Thank you to my mom & dad for always being there for me! Thank you to all of my family and sweet wonderful friends, who texted me, emailed me, Facebooked me, called me, thank you to my staff at church who prayed with me, Vicki who made me a lemon cake with the least amount of lumps as possible (a true friend indeed!) Jim loved that cake and ate THE WHOLE THING! LOL! Thank you to my Long Canyon Ladies for their wonderful gift, which I will use soon! Thank you to everyone who made my day a little bit brighter...I needed that! God bless!

A special thank you to Ashlee, Andy & family for sending the awesome candy basket to Vince! What a treat! It's actually getting a lot of use by Jim! He is our candy-o-holic! LOL!

A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17

1 comment:

anneke said...

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all."
Psalm 34:19